Thursday, February 17

Learn & share BMX Skills for the next 5 weeks @ Meersbrook Bowl.

Come along and work on dropping in and pumping round the bowl as well as some games on the tennis courts.

3pm while 5pm. Tuesdays. Starting on 22nd Feb, running through til 22nd March

Who knows, you could be as good as Drew Bezanson soon:

SIMPLE SESSION 2011 - Drew Bezanson from JC Pieri on Vimeo.

Seen on Prollyisnotprobably.

Monday, February 7

ReCycle Rides is back this month

It's the return of ReCycle Rides including Last Saturday Club this month. It's been a busy, snowy windy time the last few months and we've not managed to ride that much.

We've secured some more funding to run activities at Meersbrook and Greenhill this spring and hope to run lots of stuff through the year.
To receive up to date information, please sign up to our mailing list at the bottom of the site, or email ed -

Everything we're running is free and open access. We're running four events in half term, come and give it a go.


Tues 22nd Feb: After School BMX Club 15:00-17:00
Bike Club focussing on BMX riding in the bowl,
but all welcome as long as you can ride
without stabilizers.
This is running Every Tues for 5 weeks!
Come to get your bike skills.

Weds 23rd Feb: Meersbrook North Shore and BMX day 12:00-16:00
Half term event with North Shore obstacle course
Come see if you can ride the course. Also
playing games on the tennis courts and just
having fun on bikes.

Fri 25th Feb: Greenhill North Shore and BMX day
Half term event with North Shore obstacle course
Come see if you can ride the course. Lets
have fun on bikes.

Sat 26th Feb: Last Saturday Club.
11:30am-1:30pm: Greenhill LSC in Greenhill Park
2:30pm - 4:30pm: Meersbrook LSC in Meersbrook Park

Last Saturday Club - Last Saturday of the Month.
Give it a go!

And here's something we won't be trying. This month Bienve Aguado performed the first ever double front flip on a bike. Worth a look: