Tuesday, October 19

Half Term with ReCycle Rides:

We've got free events running in half term, and want you to come ride with us.

We've got some BMX and more general bike skills sessions running, and we're also taking our North Shore course out and about. Come and have a go! We'll be taking bikes, helmets and pads, or you can bring your own. Come and try out your skills!
Please note change of time for Meersbrook Last Saturday Club.


Tues 26th: Parson Cross BMX Park

13:00 – 15:00 BMX Park skills and bike games

Weds 27th: Meersbrook Park North Shore

12:00 – 16:00 North Shore obstacle course

Fri 29th: Greenhill Park North Shore

12:00 – 16:00 North Shore obstacle course

Sat 30th: Greenhill Last Sat Club

11:30 – 13:30 BMX park skills and games

Sat 30th: Meersbrook Last Sat Club

14:30 – 16:30 BMX park skills and games

Now, video of the month for me is some homegrown talent. Check this out. The video is beautifully shot, features some excellent riding by Tom Kilkoyne. Other than being a bit compressed, seems like a pretty flawless edit...

Tom Peters' 'Bike Stunts'