Tuesday, August 24

Come to Meersbrook Park this weekend!

We'll be running our Last Saturday Club in the Skate Bowl and on the Courts from 1pm while 3pm.As ever, it's all free. just turn up.

As usual, there'll be bikes and helmets to borrow. Consent will be needed if you've not been this year already, and everyone will have to give me some details for the register.

We've been working on some new games on bikes too - get ready for (no-contact) jousting and more...

In the meantime, have a look at this video of some dirt jumping from America...

Ride safe 'til then...

Friday, August 13

Summer Busy-ness!

We've been having a lot of fun on bikes already this summer, but not all of it in the Steel City. We've been to Festivals such as Cliffhanger and Peace in the Park. We've been working with the CTC and Sheffield Council Woodlands team doing mountainbike skills sessions. And we've been to various events round the country.

We followed Nigel Mansell on his recent charity ride around the UK- more details here
We took our portable North Shore course, including the see-saw above, to Cardiff, Chester and Blackpool. We had a really good day, working with different children from different cities was a pleasure. We were all very tired after long days, but it was a truly wonderful experience.